Welcome to Orientation 2024!

You’ve made it to LUMS - a very heartfelt congratulations to you! We are delighted to welcome you to your new home, filled with a diverse and collaborative community to learn from and grow with.

The Orientation is developed keeping you and your needs in mind so you can quickly find your place in this new world. With a mixture of exciting online and in person activities, we hope to acquaint you with your peers, knowledgeable faculty members, advisors and the beautiful LUMS campus. The informative sessions will help you navigate your LUMS journey better, in both academic and non-

academic domains. Orientation helps to inform your perspective, prepare you for the intellectual challenges to come, learn about essential university policies and form close ties with university support services officials as well as other members of your cohort. We are eager to meet you and hope you can fully benefit from this meaningful experience.

Get ready to explore, learn and have an experience of a lifetime! We wish you the best of luck!



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Email us at helpdesk@lums.edu.pk

Explore LUMS

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Learning Without Borders

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LUMS Campus Tour

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LUMS Ki Kahaniyan | Waqas Haider

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LUMS Ki Kahaniyan | Alum Adeela Sarfaraz

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LUMS Ki Kahaniyan | Rizq